God loves cheerful and joyful giving in response to the gospel, so we want to encourage you to give willingly as an act of worship. Your financial support helps Immanuel Church to fulfill its mission of proclaiming the gospel and making disciples. There are two ways to give:

Write a check

Mail your checks (please don't send cash) to Deaconess Yoon or 윤 권사님. Checks should be payable to Immanuel Church of NJ. Specify in the memo section the giving type if you want to contribute to a designated fund. Contact deaconess Helen Han for the mailing address to send the check - we are currently not accepting any checks to the church address.


Starting in 2021, we have an online solution for giving. You can make a gift online via electronic check or credit card through Tithe.ly. There is a processing fee (1% and 2.9% respectively) per transaction so please consider using electronic check when making larger gifts. Tithe.ly gives you an option to cover the processing fee.

Immanuel Church is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All gifts are tax deductible and you will receive a year-end statement with the previous year’s giving information. Remember, in order to receive the appropriate documentation you need for tax purposes, your name and address must be clearly identifiable on your check.

If you have any questions, please contact deaconess Helen Han (helen@immanuelchurchnj.com).